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  • Raquel Kiaraa

Pregnancy Diaries - Entry Two

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

Entering into 8 months of pregnancy with so much love in my heart. Not only for the little human growing inside of me but for all of our people near and far. What an interesting time to bring new life into this world.

I have been sitting a lot in silence and creating space to meditate and write over the last 2 months. A lot has unfolded itself globally and locally.

I have consciously decided to move forward in a place of love.

Yes, there are so many challenges before us all, we are all moving through these challenges together.

The road ahead is unknown but what is known is how we are choosing to move and work through this new space.

What is within our power is how we choose to act and grow through this.

All our comfort zones are being shifted into the uncomfortable.

Myself and all our people are facing our own daily challenges.

I am learning from this experience on a personal, business, economical and moral level.

We are being encouraged to work towards being resourceful, rethinking and revising our goals. All we can do is move through and realign our worlds.

I am choosing to move from the space of fear, anxiety and stress. I no longer invite that energy as a way to help and heal one another nor myself. Blame, hate, fear, guilt and shame will do nothing but continue to feed into the chaos, all of those energies hold great power in impacting our fellow human. My safety comes from knowing we are collectively aligning our mind, body and spirit to be in a place of love. I am choosing to use my voice, my platform and any resources I have to support you with love and kindness. That I will choose to do.

I want to know how I can help you, I want to offer my support through any obstacle you are facing. I am choosing this energy because I want to be morally responsible for what I am putting out in the world. More love equals more healing, when we work together to create an energy of healing we all begin to speak, act and think as a united front to move through our challenges.

We will overcome,

We will grow,

We will rise.

Let’s work together, now is the time to shift our energy to a place of love ...

WE have the power!

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